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Myers signs with NWOSU

February 09, 2020 - 00:00
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    Myers signs with NWOSU

    Riley Myers kept up a family tradition last week. The Kingfisher High School senior on Thursday signed a National Letter of Intent to continue his football career at Northwestern Oklahoma State University in Alva. His father, Jeff, Kingfisher’s head football coach, and grandfather, Nelson, a former KHS head coach, also played football for the Rangers. His mother, Candyce, also attended the school. Myers was originally scheduled to sign Wednesday, but weather forced the postponement. He eventually signed in front of family, KHS teammates, coaches and classmates. Myers (center) is seated with his parents Candyce and Jeff Myers. Standing are, from left, grandparents Nelson and Pat Myers; sisters Abbie and Emily Myers; cousins Jake and Cale Reagan; aunt Carma Reagan; and grandmother, Mary Jane Bassett. [Photo by Jeremiah Hill/KHS Photography]