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Checkmate for Cashion Chess
Cashion High School’s chess team took first place last Saturday at a competition held at Norman North High School. The team members combined to score 15 points (1 point for a win, 1/2 point for a draw or tie and 0 points for a loss in individual matches). That total was six points more than the second-place team. Pictured are, from left, Vernon Richards (sponsor), Jayden Collier, Connor McCabe, Giulianni Martinez and Abraham Ross. Collier went 5-0 in his matches and took first overall individually. Martinez was 4-1 and placed second. Both received plaques. McCabe and Ross each went 3-2 and were presented medals for reaching three wins. All team members are sophomores. This is the first full season for a Cashion chess team, which was founded last spring. [Photo provided]