Hennessey led Kingfisher County in the April sales tax report. It was the only county town with an increase in its monthly check compared to April 2020.
Read moreFreezing temperatures that hit much of Oklahoma in mid-April may have wheat growers racing out to their fields to check on potential damage to their crop, but time is on the side of agricultural producers in this instance.
Read moreOne of the first orders of business for the new Kingfisher Public Schools superintendent will be to hire a high school principal.
Read moreThe footprint of two legislative districts in Kingfisher County will shrink, while two others will expand, if proposed redistricting maps are ultimately approved.
Read moreKingfisher County commissioners approved a $9,500 asbestos abatement contract at their weekly meeting Monday.
Read moreThe second super moon of the year was scheduled to appear Tuesday night. Kingfisher resident Karisa Eaton captured this photo of the nearly full moon earlier in the week. ‘Super moons’ are full moons that are so designated because the moon is full when its orbit is closer to the earth, so it appears larger in the night sky, particularly when it first rises over the horizon. This month’s super moon also is designated as a pink moon, because it will appear to have a pink cast. [Photo by Karisa Eaton via Facebook]
Read moreKingfisher Police Department’s newest patrolman has had his eye on Kingfisher since his high school days at Bethany.
Read moreIt was a vision that began in 2002.
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