A $3,500 feasibility study of Hennessey’s current 94-year-old public library was approved by the newly-appointed Library Building Committee last Wednesday morning. Chairman Jack Quirk suggested to Richard Simunek, town board trustee and committee member, that Simunek pay half of the study fee, if the town paid the other half. Simunek agreed and Town Administrator Tiffany Tillman, also a library committee member, said she could approve that amount. Quirk said CWA Group in Norman is the company that gave him the quote and Quirk told the committee that the company could also do “as-built drawings with a full set of prints for $10,000.” Quirk also asked Simunek in the meeting if he’d give his $3.3 million donation to the library now, instead of upon his death. “No,” said Simunek. “Absolutely not.” Simunek, a local preservationist, wants those funds to go to the library for future upkeep and needs. Quirk said that would also be helpful to others who might want to donate to a new, or refurbished library. The new committee met in the History Center at the library. Pictured are (from left) committee members Tillman, Town Trustee David Jones, Library Board President Ann Taylor, Simunek and Quirk. In the audience during the one-hour meeting were Library Director Lindsey Kopsa and Friends of the Library member Cathie (Cline) Arnold. Three others in the audience were Joyce Thomas, Barbara Platt and Ruth Ann Hobbs. [KT&FP photo by Barb Walter]
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Read moreAfter a two-hour executive session Monday night, Kingfisher city commissioners voted to reappoint administrative and judicial staff but said they would vote on amendments to City Manager Dave Slezickey’s continuing contract at a later date.
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Read more[Editor’s note: Incumbent State Sen. Darcy Jech has authorized the Times & Free Press to publish the following paid announcement of his bid for re-election to State Senate District 26, subject to the June 28 Republican Primary.]
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