Fred Lucas / @FredLucasWH
Read moreThe structure of the American government was designed by the Founders to prevent raw majoritarianism: the three branches of government and their checks and balances, the allocation of power between the state and federal governments, constitutional limits on the federal government’s power, the differing composition of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, and the Electoral College.
Read moreAmericans are beginning to ‘learn better’
Read moreHennessey’s water, sewer and garbage rates have stayed the same over the past couple of years while inflation rates have gone up.
Read moreOklahoma Energy Producers Alliance (OEPA) hosted a lunch-and-learn Friday, April 12, at Teocalli Exploration in Kingfisher.
Read moreThe Oklahoma Wheat Growers Association will host a meeting for area wheat producers at noon Tuesday at Cimarron Electric Cooperative.
Read moreAfter a key House committee advanced legislation to require a citizenship question on the U.S. Census, support for the measure could be growing in the backdrop of the border crisis and its potential impact on congressional reapportionment.
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