The world’s most popular sport just got a boost in Kingfisher.
Read moreMembers of the Oklahoma Legislature have adjourned this year’s session, ending the process after passing several lower-tier priorities but having fumbled major issues, which were left to future Legislatures to address.
Read moreMemories of lifetime firsts filled my thoughts after my little Brother- from-Others brought up that topic last week in a text.
Read moreTo bet on the upcoming presidential election, don’t just rely on polls.
Read moreNearly five decades of service to the City of Kingfisher came to an end at noon last Friday. Carl Tisdale, center, saw his retirement become official on May 31. Tisdale has had multiple stints with the city, working mostly in the Water Department. Once he got out of the U.S. Navy in 1971, he began working part-time in August through December of that year. He returned as a part-time employee from March through August of 1972. Tisdale began as a part-time employee again in January 1975 before taking on a full-time position on Sept. 1, 1975. He remained in that position until resigning on Feb. 16, 1996, but came back on May 11, 2000, and stayed until his retirement. All told, Tisdale has worked just over 46 years for Kingfisher. A small reception was held for Tisdale at City Hall last Thursday when he was joined by fellow city employees. Pictured with him are City Manager Jim Thomas, left, and Water Superintendent Jeremiah Homier, right. When asked what he’s going to do with his time now that he’s retired, Tisdale quickly replied: “Nothing for a while.” [KT&FP Staff Photo]
Read moreThe Cashion FFA Chapter won the Ford Truck Giveaway during the 98th Oklahoma FFA State Convention held last month in Tulsa. The Ford truck becomes the property of the winning chapter. To be eligible for the drawing, FFA chapters had to complete the National Chapter Award application. This application focuses on student, chapter and community development. Part of the application process includes chapter goals, program of activities and results for each area of focus. Chapters are divided based on an accumulated score, into three categories: Three-Star Chapter, Two-Star Chapter and One-Star Chapter. The star chapter ranking qualifies and determines the number of times each chapter is entered into the new Ford truck drawing. Previous winning chapters are ineligible for the drawing. Cashion FFA excels in all three components of the agricultural education diagram, which include FFA, classroom/laboratory and supervised agricultural experiences. Chapter members are featured with their new truck. They’re pictured with chapter Adviser Holly Drake and CHS Principal Ryan Schenk. [Photo provided]
Read moreOkarche High School recently announced its honors students for May 2024. Pictured left are sophomore Easton Roby (left) and seventh grader Chloe Rother (right), who were the Students of the Month. Pictured above are seniors Allison Gangl (left) and Gunnar Smith (right), who were chosen as the Lion and Lioness for the month. [Photos provided]
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