[ Stepman is a columnist for The Daily Signal. He is also the author of “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past.”] Three Republican senators spoke Tuesday about the weaponization of government and related problems in Congress on a panel at the National Conservatism Conference in the nation’s capital.
Read moreFor years, teachers’ unions and even officials at state colleges of education have resisted efforts to improve reading instruction in Oklahoma public schools. That’s why this year’s passage of legislation focused on reading instruction is such a significant victory.
Read moreRural residents of the Union-Oak Grove community in northeast Kingfi sher County have learned that they have unwanted neighbors nobody knew about.
Read moreIf you want to vote in the election that will decide Kingfisher County’s next sheriff as well as a county commissioner and aren’t already a registered voter, your time is running low to get it done.
Read moreThis edition of the Times & Free Press was printed a day earlier than its normal weekend printing schedule.
Read moreThe 54th Ellyson family reunion was held Sunday, July 7, at the Kingfisher Elks Lodge. Hosting this year’s reunion were the Charles and Lee Ellyson families.
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