Three entities operating four saltwater disposal wells northwest of Kingfisher have agreed to shut in all four wells for at least 30 days to see if a saltwater spring bubbling up on private property can be stopped, an Oklahoma Corporation Commissi
Read moreWhether she realizes it or not – and she mostly does – Brandi Parker is running for a lot of people when she steps
Read moreKingfisher City Manager Dave Slezickey was recognized as Oklahoma’s city manager of the year at the Oklahoma Municipal League’s annual awards banquet Thursday night.
Read moreThe source of a saltwater spring bubbling up on property northwest of Omega had not been identified at press time Friday, but an Oklahoma Corporation Commission spokesperson said an answer could be expected by late Friday afternoon.
Read moreAuthorities are still searching for an Oklahoma City woman on an Oklahoma Department of Corrections reintegration program in Kingfisher who allegedly cut off her ankle monitor and left town in a stolen vehicle.
Read moreAll of Lomega’s student body was on hand Thursday morning for the groundbreaking of the new high school that will be constructed south of the current one.
Read moreThe Salvation Army of Kingfisher County has moved to the new location at 1800 S. 13th St.
Read moreKingfisher Heritage School recently announced its Students of the Month at Jacket Roundup on Sept. 10.
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