“A More or Less Perfect Union” is a three-part series, produced by Free to Choose Network, that will air on various PBS stations across the nation starting in February. The documentary is a personal exploration of the U.S. Constitution by Justice Douglas Ginsburg, who served on the U.S. Court of Appeals D.C. Circuit and is now a senior justice on the court. Ginsburg explores the U.S. Constitution and features interviews with and gains the perspectives from constitutional experts of all political views -- liberal, conservative and libertarian. He examines the key issues of liberty in the U.S. both from a historical and contemporary perspective. Among those issues are freedom of the press and religion, slavery and civil rights, the Second Amendment, separation of powers and the number of ways that the Constitution’s framers sought to limit the power of the federal government. The first episode is ti
Read moreIn closing remarks at the Senate impeachment trial, White House Counsel Patrick Philbin said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi did not have the authority to declare an impeachment inquiry without a House vote and “the House violated every principle of due process and fundamental fairness in the way the hearings were conducted.”
Read moreLifeWay Church will host a live simulcast of the first Oklahoma Governor’s Prayer Breakfast to be held Tuesday, Feb. 18.
Read moreKingfisher Heritage School announced its Great Expectations Students of the Month for January during Jacket Roundup on Jan. 10.
Read moreA total of 6,966 students were named to the 2019 fall semester honor rolls at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, including 2,923 students named to the President’s Honor Roll for earning an “A” grade in all their courses.
Read moreOklahoma State University awarded degrees to a total of 1,761 students this past fall, including 1,076 Oklahomans, according to the Office of the Registrar. Students from local high
Read moreKingfisher’s first responders are looking for citizens to support their efforts through blood donation with Oklahoma Blood Institute.
Read moreThe Okarche speech team competed in the Southwestern Oklahoma State University Invitational Speech Tournament and brought home seven individual trophies and the Class 3A sweepstakes trophy.
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