Pioneer Telephone Cooperative is awaiting completion of state environmental reviews to begin putting to work the $24.2 million CARES Act grant it was awarded to expand broadband access, CEO Richard Ruhl said.
Read moreKingfisher Police Department is investigating a rash of stolen Trump signs and flags from four residents last Thursday night or early Friday.
Read moreKingfisher County Sheriff Dennis Banther said he’s had to “scramble” to cover for three employees who are off his roster for COVID-19 quarantine.
Read moreKingfisher County commissioners gave the go-ahead to begin work replacing the flooring on the first floor at the courthouse annex building at their weekly meeting Monday.
Read moreWhen the Times & Free Press asked the age-old question “How Did You Spend Your Labor Day Weekend?” on our Facebook page, we received all kinds of pictorial responses, from swimming, to fishing, to decorating for fall, to baling hay, to actually going to work.
Read moreThe rioting and killing in U.S. cities has some people asking why President Trump hasn’t sent in federal troops to quell the anarchy.
Read moreI hope and pray the elephant in the room, in our local businesses and in our schools, isn’t a Republican. Same goes for a Democrat in a donkey’s clothing who won’t require people to wear coverings when out in public, much less make public the number of COVID-infected state employees, including school staff, and students.
Read moreIn matters of race and other social phenomena, there is a tendency to believe that what is seen today has always been. For black people, the socioeconomic progress achieved during my lifetime, which started in 1936, exceeded anyone’s wildest dreams. In 1936, most black people lived in gross material poverty and racial discrimination. Such poverty and discrimination is all but nonexistent today. Government data, assembled by Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation, shows that “the average American family ... identified as poor by the Census Bureau, lives in an air-conditioned, centrally heated house or apartment ... They have a car or truck. (Indeed, 43% of poor families own two or more cars.)” The household “has at least one widescreen TV connected to cable, satellite, or a streaming service, a computer or tablet with internet connection, and a smartphone. (Some 82% of poor families have one or more smartphones.) On top of this, blacks today have the same constitutional guarantees as everyone else, which is not to say that every vestige of racial discrimination has been eliminated.
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