Another disappointing district loss befell the Kingfisher softball team, but this time in dramatic fashion.
Read moreThe OSSAA recently announced district assignments for fall baseball and the two smallest classes in fastpitch softball.
Read moreKingfisher’s eighth graders improved to 2-1 and the seventh grade squad just missed out on an unlikely comeback win in junior high football action last Monday.
Read moreNotices were mailed Wednesday to Hennessey residents warning of extremely high nitrate levels in the town's water supply based on routine testing Sept. 2.
Read moreA four-year old boy walked out of the Hennessey Early Childhood Center in the middle of the day and started home “because he wanted to get home to his momma,” said his mother, Ashli Cooper.
Read moreCAROLYN FLOOD DAY was proclaimed Monday, Sept. 14, 2020, by Kingfisher Mayor Roxie Alexander, left, to honor Flood, center, who retired after decades of service on the planning and zoning commission. Alexander and Vice Mayor Wendell Prim, right, presented Flood with a plaque and proclamation at the city commission meeting Monday night. The proclamation recognizes her service from 2007, including presiding over more than 100 meetings in 11 years as chairperson of the board. Flood pointed out at Monday’s city commission meeting that she served another 10 years or so on the board beginning in the 1990s and then resigned when her late husband Dick Flood was elected mayor. A licensed abstractor who also helped clarify city code, Flood brought a wealth of knowledge to the board, which often wrangles complex issues concerning zoning and property use within city limits. Austin Evans was appointed to replace her. [TIMES-FREE PRESS Staff Photo]
Read moreClose to 14 years after acquiring the former Bill’s DX station just east of the Main Street intersection on S.H. 33, Kingfisher Trails Inc. hopes to begin construction of the long-awaited Kingfisher Visitors Center.
Read moreAfter successfully passing the rigorous bar exam, prospective new attorneys from the state’s three law schools typically can look forward to a prestigious ceremony formally admitting them to the state bar.
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