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Barbara Foster

September 15, 2024 - 00:00
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A poem for, Barbara E. Foster who passed away, Sept. 9, 2024, at the age of 99, written by her daughter, Andrea Foster: My mother was Queen Mab, the Faerie Queen. The nature spirits and devas bowed and glowed with joy as at her approach.

They shouted their appreciation of her by waving and growing and shining bright.

The gentle touch, the caring hand, the queen who tended to her silent children.

My mother was beyond Martha Stewart, A woman who could make anything, a woman of taste and style.

She grew and cooked and baked without a paid staff, But created her arrangements, meals and themes with flair.

My mother was a seamstress extraordinaire. Marie Antoinette would have hired her, for sure. Her attention to detail and her inventive eye Rivaled the best, the renowned, and in my eyes, she was… amazing.

My mother was an artist of color and design. Just look at her homes and see the colors of her soul On display in the walls and paint and trappings of Home, Our own private interior designer, Fung Shui, the art of harmony.

While I, I am only a poor wordsmith, But my mother was the one taught me to see, Encouraged me to read, to write, and to think. These are my devas, inspired by her.