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OBITUARY: Marjorie Anderson

June 23, 2023 - 18:12
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    Marjorie Anderson

    Our beloved mother and matriarch of our family, Marjorie Lorraine Anderson, passed peacefully in her sleep the morning of June 22 and into the loving arms of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  She was 91 years of age.


    Born June 4, 1932, in Weatherford to Dr. Roy W and Margaret Anderson, mom had a long career as an educator in the Hennessey public school system where she taught English, Creative Writing, English Literature and Mythology. 


    Known affectionately as “Ma Henkell” to literally thousands of students, she sponsored innumerable classes, directed many class plays and oversaw the construction of an armada of Homecoming floats.  


    She received a Master's Degree in English from Phillips University and continued her education at Oklahoma State University. She continued teaching after retirement, helping many students obtain their High School graduation equivalency through the GED program.   


    But mom didn't stay retired for long as she became a writer, reporter and weekly columnist for the Hennessey Clipper newspaper and then, after six years, moved to Edmond and became a weekly columnist for the Edmond Sun, where her column, “As I See It” ran for almost 15 years. 


    Mom compiled her earlier columns for the Hennessey Clipper, “I Can't Believe I Said That,” into a book, “A Patchwork Sampler” and 25 of her short stories in a book titled, “This End Up.”


     In 2010 she published a novel, “Ninth Summer,” and co-wrote another book with Edmond author, Paul Gaines, entitled “The German Woman's Hired Hand.”  


    She also edited Mr. Gaines' first book, “The Cyclone Legacy.”  


    Her first published continuing series, “A Guide for First Year Teachers,” became an invaluable resource for many entering the education field.


    A voracious reader, lover of literature and a life-long writer, mom was a member of the Oklahoma Writers' Federation and founded and directed many creative writing groups over the years including the Word Weavers and Challenged Pens.  


    She fancied herself a mean bridge player and indulged in that game as often as possible. She was also a proud member of the Hennessey Ya-Ya's whose exploits were many.


    With a sweet, gracious manner, vivacious soul and the heart of a lion, mom always went to bat for the people she loved and the causes she deemed worthy. 


    She lived her life with a keen wit, colorful sense of humor and deep empathy for the suffering of others. She wanted nothing more than to be helpful to all of mankind.  


    She leaves Oklahoma and the world a lasting legacy of high achievement.


    Marjorie Anderson is survived by her sister Darline Hobbs, of Norman, her son Bryan Barney and his wife Stephanie Lane, of Edmond, her son Brett Barney, also of Edmond, son Andy Henkell, of Enid and daughter Debra Ahtone of Tempe, Ariz.   Her grandchildren include Laura Barney of Edmond, Aaron Barney of Norman, Jennifer French of St. Johns, Ariz., Tahda Ahtone of Tempe, Ariz., Tristan Ahtone of Helsinki, Finland and Aria Marie Justice-Walker of Enid. She also has four great-grandchildren.


    Memorial services will be 11 a.m. Thursday, June 29, at First Christian Church of Edmond. In lieu of flowers, a contribution made be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and Doctors without Borders.