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Whitley Rother

May 01, 2019 - 00:00
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    Whitley Mother

    Whitley Ryan Rother died April 27, 2019, at Children’s Hospital at OU Medical Center in Oklahoma City.  

    A celebration of her life was Wednesday and Mass of Christian Burial at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, both services at Holy Trinity Church in Okarche with Rev. Macario Martinez and Deacon Max Schwarz officiating.

    Burial will follow in Holy Trinity Cemetery under the direction of Huber-Benson Funeral Home, El Reno.  

    She was born during wheat harvest 2014, on June 5, in Oklahoma City, the middle child of Jaime and Jared Rother, and attended pre-kindergarten at Okarche Public Schools.  

    She loved playing with horses, helping out on the family farm, checking cows with dad, and watching her favorite cartoon, “Spirit.”

    She had a huge appetite for all vegetables and blueberries because she wanted to grow tall like her big sister, Naomi.

    Whitley dreamed of being an “animal doctor” someday as a result of her love for animals.

    Whitley is survived by her parents of the home in Okarche; sister, Naomi Jen-try Rother and Mattea Louise Rother; grandparents, Tim and Robin Rother and Judy Meade all of Okarche; great-grandparents, Harold and Judy Bernhardt of Kingfisher and Vesta Todd of El Reno.

    Her grandfather, Bill Meade and great-grandparents Paul and Naomi Rother, Gayle Todd, and Jesse and Emma Meade preceded her in death.