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VIEW from behind the plow

January 23, 2019 - 00:00
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President attacked for champs’ meal

We’ve heard something about a (partial federal) government shutdown but we’ve noticed little difference in the lives of local folks. Maybe all those federal jobs aren’t as necessary as the possessors would like us commoners to think. We did read that the White House kitchen wasn’t open when the national collegiate football champion team, Clemson, was invited to the White House for lunch last week. So what did that “bozo” Trump (we’re talking like the national leftwing media now) do? He went out and bought a bunch of fast food (you know the kind of things younger people eat all the time – burgers, chicken nuggets, pizza, fries and even some salads, out of his own pocket from local restaurants) for the players to eat during their visit with the president. You might think that the national media couldn’t find anything to deride about such a gracious act, but you would be so-o-o-o wrong. The Washington Post had its usual hissy fit, finding “tons” of Trump sins for his handling of the event. For instance he lied, claimed a WaPo columnist, when he said the burgers were piled a “mile high” with condiments (or whatever those things are called that go on burgers). The columnist also did the math, pointing out that if every member of the team ate the burgers, they still wouldn’t hit the mile high claim. Such exaggeration floored the ever-so-proper columnist. The president isn’t allowed to deviate from the absolute truth, even if he’s using hyperbole to make a point. Yep, no kind act by President Trump is allowed to go uncriticized. In the team members’ visit to the White House following their victory, Trump told reporters Monday that he did foot the bill for a feast that included “lots of hamburgers” and “lots of pizza.” Former NFL player Reggie Bush also got in on the “fun,” claiming the luncheon was an insult to the Clemson players. “Just when you think you’ve seen it all, @ClemsonFB you guys deserve better you are world champs and this is the honor you receive from our nations (sic) leader!?” he tweeted. “This is disrespectful on so many levels, just a huge slap in the face after that kind of performance! SMH!” texted Bush. (SMH is texting for “shaking my head” we were informed by office social media authority Michael Swisher) Bush, responding to someone who commented on his original post, later wrote that if he lived in the nation’s capital, he “would have taken that whole team to dinner at a nice restaurant after seeing this!” Jimmy Kimmel, late night TV program host, or so we’ve been told, piled on, claiming that the president bought the cheapest thing he could find. We would have to have gotten the information about the Washington Post column second hand because we don’t subscribe to the publication and we didn’t hear what Kimmel said because we don’t stay up that late and wouldn’t listen to Kimmel or any other of the late night shows – all radically left wing – if we did. That’s the big Trump expose of the day. The interesting thing about the zaniness of the Left is how President Trump has gotten inside the head of the Leftists. They can’t ignore him and they’re unprepared to deal with someone who fights back against them. They had become accustomed to a placid Conservative leadership that wouldn’t respond to their strident march toward ever bigger and more strangling government. The major media has fallen into disgrace because the public has discovered their dishonesty and simply ignore what they say.