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Will there be HS sports this fall? For now, OSSAA’s answer is ‘yes’

July 22, 2020 - 00:00
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Will we have sports?

That’s the question we get every single day.

The short answer is: “I don’t know.”

The long answer is obviously more complicated, but the state’s governing body for high school sports and other activities did provide some guidance last week.

In a letter to all of its members schools’ superintendents, high school principals and athletic directors, OSSAA Executive Director David Jackson said the plan is to play sports on schedule.

At least for now.

Obviously there are contingencies in case of interruptions from COVID-19.

Essentially, the OSSAA will act as it feels it needs to beginning with fall sports, which includes fastpitch softball, cross country, volleyball, fall baseball, cheer and football.

Delays? Possibly.

Interruptions? Possibly.

Moving fall sports to another part of the year? Not desirable, but still possible as a last resort.

As the letter states, it’s all very “fluid” at this time.

So will there be sports?

The short answer: “I don’t know, but I’m hopeful.”

The longer answer: “It’s complicated.”

Following is the letter from the OSSAA’s David Jackson in its entirety:

This email is being sent to all Superintendents, Principals and Athletic Directors.

As we face the onset of the fall seasons and the beginning of the school year, there is no doubt there will be challenges.

We want to assure you that the Staff and Board of Directors at the OSSAA are committed to providing every opportunity for participation in a safe and balanced manner.

We understand the importance of participation for both the physical and mental well-being of the students and will remain committed to that effort.

Our current plan is to move forward with our regular slate of beginning fall seasons and activities, with the understanding that at times, we may have an interruption in the normal progression of those activities, or even a delayed start to some activities.

We are prepared to handle the fluidity of the situation by extending seasons, delaying championships, or in the most desperate of circumstances, moving activities to a season other than the one in which they normally occur.

It is important to note that this measure will be reserved for a situation in which there are no other options.

At this time, there are no plans to do anything but proceed as normal. Should it become necessary, all member schools will be notified of any adjustments that may be made to an activity.

We are, and will remain committed to providing the opportunity for students to participate in activities as normally as possible.

Sincerely, David Jackson

David Jackson