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Page back in Hoop Shoot nationals
Pressley Page is headed back to the Elks Hoop Shoot national competition. Pressley, right, won the Region 11 championship in the 10-11 year-old girls division Saturday morning in Dallas. The competition featured state Hoop Shoot champions from Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico. The fourth grader at Kingfi sher Upper Elementary made 19 of 25 free throws to win her division. That included going 10 of 10 in the opening round. Her win advances her to the national competition to be held April 26 in Chicago. The daughter of Brady and Lindsey Page, this is Pressley’s second straight year to win the regional competition and advance to nationals. She was the national runner-up last year. A Kingfi sher third grader just missed qualifying for nationals. Paxton Terrell, left, was the runner-up among 8-9 year-old boys. The son of Jeff and Baylee Terrell, he also made 10 of 10 in his fi rst round. He ultimately fi nished 21 of 25. Both Terrell and Page won district and state championships prior to the regional competition. [Photo provided]