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Oklahoma Eagles Elite soar high together one last time

August 29, 2021 - 00:00
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  • Oklahoma Eagles Elite soar high together one last time
    OKLAHOMA EAGLES ELITE team members and coaches pose one last time after playing their final tournament. Helping win the Summer Nationals championship earlier this month were, from left: head coach Vaughn Raney, Chris Bowling, assistant coach Vincent Raney
  • Oklahoma Eagles Elite soar high together one last time
    FAMILY AFFAIR - Larry Jenkins, center, poses with the Summer Nationals championship trophy along with his five grandsons, all of whom either played on or helped coach the Oklahoma Eagles Elite. They are, from left, Luke Jenkins, Jonah Jenkins, Vance Raney
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The Oklahoma Eagles Elite 2022 went out in grand - make that gold - fashion.

The team played its final game together earlier this month and defeated Houston Basketball National 39-34 in overtime to win the OKC Summer Nationals championship game.

The win was the sixth straight in the tournament for the Eagles, many of whom have been playing together for several years.

All team members are now seniors in high school, which puts a run to their summer circuits.

“There was a lot of happiness and tears of joy from players, coaches and Eagles fans,” said Larry Jenkins, who has been a coach of the team throughout its run.

Jenkins also has two grandsons – Jonah Jenkins and Vance Raney - on the team. Both will be seniors at Cashion this year as the Wildcats make a run at the Class 2A state championship.

The Houston squad had been averaging nearly 80 points a game during the national tournament, but couldn’t approach that number against the Eagles.

“We were able to control the tempo with our defense and our offense,” Jenkins said.

Three more of Jenkins’ grandsons - Vaughn Raney, Luke Jenkins and Vincent Raney - also helped coach the team.

Vaughn Raney, a former Cashion standout who played collegiately at Rogers State and Oklahoma City University and is now attending the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, is listed as the head coach.

Other team members include Chris Bowling of Tuttle, Dominic Turner of Tulsa Memorial, Anthony Cox of Southwest Covenant, Austin Osby of Edmond Memorial, Mickey Hunnicutt of Springer, Zach Hidalgo of Hooker, T.J. Kelly of Guthrie, Logan Williams of Oklahoma Christian Academy and Connor Seely of Newcastle.

“Several will be playing in college at some level after high school,” Jenkins said. “This was a great way to end the season with this fine group of young men.”