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KHS cheerleaders shine at J&C Camp

June 12, 2019 - 00:00
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    KHS CHEERLEADERS who attended the Jeff & Craig Camp include, from left: front row, Taylor Watkins, Chloe Lack, Emma Barnett, Ashtin Witt, Macey Mulherin, Elizabeth Perdue, Keely Franks; middle row, Yamile Saucedo, Katon Lunsford, Makenna Willson, Gretchen Garrett, Sara Delatore, Makiah Dewberry, Lily Fletcher, Peyton Townsend, Gentry Taylor, Tieranee Collins, Katy Diedrich, Jessica Klepper, Courtney Butts; and back row, Ali Womack, Kari Shepard, Sarai Bastida, Aiclynn Sursa, Taylor Mills, Cora Beth Taylor, Payton Bellair, Maggie McCully, Kinley Merritt, Cami Snodgrass and Rylie Farrar.


    KT&FP Staff Writer

    The Kingfisher High School and Middle School cheerleading teams attended Jeff & Craig Camp in Norman and brought home many awards, according to Tiffanie Barnett, former cheerleading coach.

    “Jeff LeForce and Craig Hallmark have been among the leading forces behind successful cheer teams the past 20 years,” said Barnett, who resigned as cheer coach last month but is helping with the transition of new coach Sarah Keeth, who was just hired last week.

    Barnett took the cheer teams to the camp.

    In addition to hosting camp, LeForce and Hallmark have also assisted the KHS cheerleaders with choreography for their state routine several times.

    “This cheer camp does not focus on competing against other teams, but supporting each other and team bonding,” Barnett said.

    According to Barnett, KHS cheer was voted as the team showing the most sportsmanship and spirit throughout camp by the other teams in attendance.

    Mia Hartman, who will be a seventh grader in the fall, was the top tumbler for her age division and Ella Thomas was a finalist.

    Libbie Barnett will be an eighth grader next year and won top jumps for her age division. Other finalists in their respective age divisions were Mia Hartman, Addison Willson, Kylee Rojas, Ashley Casillas, Tieranee Collins and Taylor Mills.

    Emma Barnett, set to be a senior, won top motions in her age division and Natalie Garrett, who will be in seventh grade, was a finalist.

    The winner of the top stunt group was Emma Barnett (main base), Makenna Willson (side base), Maggie McCully (back spot), Sara Delatorre (front spot) and Ashtin Witt (flyer).

    Recipients of the All-Star award receiving a medal and an invitation to perform live in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade in New York were Kylee Rojas, Ashley Casillas, Mia Hartman, Addison Willson, Ella Thomas, Libbie Barnett, Emma Barnett, Ashtin Witt, Ali Womack, Taylor Mills, Sara Delatorre and Gentry Taylor.

    Cora Taylor also won the talent competition held one evening. Taylor performed a vocal selection for her talent.

    “Overall, Kingfisher was well represented on and off the mat,” said Barnett. “This is the third year to bring Kingfisher Middle School to camp and it is enhancing the success of our high school program in return.”