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Ethel Blindwoman

November 17, 2021 - 00:00
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Our sister Ethel Alice Blindwoman was born June 2, 1956, to Thomas Jr. and Minnie Blindwoman.

She passed away Nov. 10, 2021, at the age of 65.

She graduated from Kingfisher High School and attended Southwestern Oklahoma State University at Weatherford.

Through Ethel’s employment places, she made many friends.

From Pioneer Telephone Cooperative to Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribes, St. Labre Indian School in Ashland, Mont., and then returning to work with C&A Tribes - last two jobs being with the Elder Care Program and the C&A casino personnel department.

Ethel was noted for her ”humor” in dressing up for Halloween at Concho, sending family members hilarious birthday cards with our pictures and the most memorable one, singing us “Happy Birthday” over the phone at the stroke of midnight.

We will miss her singing on our special days.

At times, she was a caregiver to all nieces and nephews.

Ethel Alice leaves five sisters, Vergenta Little Calf, Tommie White Woman, Wilma Yardley, Clara Blindwoman, who lived with her since last year, and Irene Redbird Deere.

Two special aunties were Juanita Rednose Nullake and Mary Rednose Howard Narconie, last two sisters of Minnie Blindwoman.

Immediate family members are: Alo Rednose and family, Robert and Betsy Tasso and family, Gary and Brooke Howard and family, Jason Good Blanket and family, Matt and Red Tiger and family, Donita Duffy and family, Jamie Horner and family, Rheadonna Lorenz and family, Noreen Red Cherries and family, Earlene Teeth Clown and family, Dana Buffalomeat and family, Susie Wolf Mule and family, Burl Buffalomeat and many nieces and nephews and grandchildren of Ethel Alice.

Special thank you to the family of Vera Buffalomeat, Kiowa sisters, Sharon Cozad-Pena, Lenora Cozad Berryhill, Donna Geionety Ernestine and Jeanette Standings.

Services were Monday, Nov. 15, at Sanders Funeral Chapel. Burial followed at Kingfisher Cemetery under the direction of Sanders Funeral Service.