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Devon offering STEM grants to 2 western Oklahoma teachers

February 13, 2019 - 00:00
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Devon Energy has created new  Ingenuity Teacher Development Grants supporting teachers’ pursuit of additional training in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education.

The grants will expand teacher resources and improve learning across the state.  

Two K-12 teachers in western Oklahoma public school districts will each receive a $2,000 grant.

Applications will be accepted Feb. 6 to March 29.  

“Devon helps provide additional resources to teachers so they can receive the latest training to inspire ingenuity in their classrooms,”  said Tangi Smith, community relations specialist.  

“Enthusiasticeducators are an important factor in increasing student interest in STEM subjects.”  

Selected teachers can choose a STEM-based continuing education program, training course or professional development conference to best fit their classroom needs and enhance experiences for their students.  

Applications will be evaluated on the benefit to current and future students and the vision to improve understanding and interest in STEM.  

Allen Wright, vice president of public and government affairs at Devon, said the company always seeks innovative ways to support educators.  

“Teachers stimulate young minds and foster students’ ingenuity,” Wright said. “This professional development grant provides opportunities for teachers to expand STEM curriculum and boost hands-on learning.”  

Grant applications are due March 29 and can be found at

Winners will be announced in April.