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February 03, 2019 - 00:00
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— All the News that WAS News...From The Archives of the Kingfisher Times & Free Press —

25 Years Ago

NEARLY KNITTED MILE — Inspired by a story they read — “Ernie and the Mile-Long Muffler” — Kingfisher third grade students attempted to knit a mile-long chain. The students lined up around the track west of the school, braving chilly temperatures to see if their creation would stretch around the track the necessary four times. The chain reached 4,800 feet in length, coming up short of the 5,280 feet in a mile, but the project was still deemed a success by all involved. (Kingfisher Times & Free Press, Feb. 2, 1994)

50 Years Ago

KINGFISHER MOLASSES — Kingfisher’s newest industry, the National Molasses Company, located at “A” Avenue and Third Street, delivers molasses to customers over the entire state and parts of Kansas. The truck, shown here, is loaded with molasses and destined for Valley Center, Kan. (Kingfisher Times, Feb. 6, 1969)

75 Years Ago

KINGFISHER TEEN TOWN IS OPENED — Kingfisher Teen Town, organized for the purpose of providing young people of the community with recreational opportunities in a suitable environment, opened Tuesday night in the redecorated Main street building located between Wardrobe and Ogden cleaning establishments. An estimated 100 boys and girls enjoyed the evening in games, contests and dancing. Present plans call for Teen Town to be open each week on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings until 11 p.m. and Sunday afternoons. There will be no dancing on Sundays. Rules adopted provide that an adult adviser will be present at all times when the hall is open, and that no gambling, smoking, drinking or other misconduct will be permitted. The room is equipped with four ping-pong tables, a phonograph and records, checker board, dominoes, dart game, jig-saw puzzles, and other recreational facilities. (Kingfisher Times, Feb. 3, 1944)

100 Years Ago

NEW REO DEALERSHIP — To my friends and people of Kingfisher County: I have opened up an automobile and truck salesroom at 121 North Main Street, Kingfisher, Oklahoma. I invite you to come in and look over my line of cars. My REO cars will be in after the auto show, being held in Oklahoma City. They are using my 1919 Models at this show in the Touring Car Line. REO - The Gold Standard of Values.

Price $1,485.00 F.O.B. Kingfisher

Henry Borklund Motor Company

REO, Velie, Case and Premier Cars and Trucks

(Kingfisher Daily Times, Feb. 6, 1919)