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KHS announces top students for December 2018

January 20, 2019 - 00:00
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Kingfisher High School has named its Students of the Month for December 2018. Selected by the teachers were freshman Slade Snodgrass, sophomore Prairie Kaya, junior Emma Barnett and senior Lane Dobrovolny.

Slade is the son of Mark and Angie Snodgrass. He is listed on the superintendent’s honor roll and is active in FCA, student council, football and baseball.

Prairie is the daughter of Kurt Kaya and Shel Wagner. Among her awards and honors, she is listed on the superintendent’s honor roll, received the 4.0 Award and is on the Oklahoma Honor Society.

She was selected for All-Area Honor Band and participated in the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY).

Prairie is an Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute at Quartz Mountain Fellow and a certified Reiki practitioner. She is an active member of the Pride of KHS band, KHS academic team, Drama Club, GSA, Dead Poets Society and National Honor Society.

Emma is the daughter of Fay and Tiffanie Barnett. She is listed on the superintendent’s honor roll, has received the 4.0 Award and is on the Oklahoma Honor Society.

Emma has been named All-American in cheer two times and was first runner-up in the Distinguished Young Woman competition. She was named Outstanding Eighth Grader of the Year.

Emma is an active member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, National Honor Society, student council, soccer, cheer and Lifeway Church.

Lane is the son of Heath and Kristen Dobrovolny. Lane has been a State FFA champion in meat judging, junior parliamentary procedure and was FFA state runner-up in Landscape Management Proficiency.

He was part of the National Western 2018 runner-up meat judging team, received the 4.0 Award and was recently chosen as January Junior Lion of the Month.

He also received the H.V. Thornton Award at Boys State.

Lane is active in Kingfisher FFA where he currently serves as chapter reporter and is the captain for the KHS academic team. He is also a member of National Honor Society, student council and KHS Photography.

Lane is an entrepreneur with his business Lane’s Lawn Service and he has played the piano for 11 years.